Your feet are your foundation.  What does your foundation look like?  Is it collapsing inward like a sinkhole (over-pronation)?  Are your toes curled up like a buckling sidewalk (hammertoes)?  Does it look like you are standing on a mudslide (foot smear)?  Would you build your dream home on a foundation like these?  Of course, you wouldn’t.  If you did, your home would experience unnecessary stress not only to the foundation but to the walls, the roof and everything in between. With the human body, if your foundation (feet) are compromised, your knees, hips, and the pelvic floor all suffer. When your toes are spread, you have a wider foundation to support the whole body. Your feet weren’t designed to have all your toes crammed together.

Your feet are kind of like a bridge in the way that a bridge isn’t supported in the center of the arch (think arch support insole).  Like with a bridge, the ends help support the arch by working in relation to the whole structure. Your feet are beautifully designed, and if you give them a chance to do what they were designed to do, there is no need for expensive orthotics or arch supports.

Did you know that 25 percent of the muscles and bones are from the ankle down? Unfortunately,  we don’t utilize this amazing design because our feet are usually stuffed in stiff narrow shoes! The feet are dynamic and should be able to respond to stones or other uneven terrains without causing stress on the knees and hips, but since our feet are confined in stiff shoes, they’re not able to respond to what’s beneath them. Instead, the whole foot moves as one unit and the ankles, knees, hips and even the pelvic floor suffer.


Correct Toes™ Toe Spacers

Correct Toes toe spacers are designed by Portland podiatrist (foot doctor) Dr. Ray McClanahan. I started wearing the Correct Toes™ which, in addition to changing my footwear to a wider toe-boxed shoe, eliminated my foot pain. It has also helped with my balance and “rooting” in my Chi Kung practice. I’ve tried other toe spacers that were made out of plastic, but I couldn’t wear them in shoes, and it was impossible to walk in them. You’ll get the most benefit out of toe spacers if you wear them while walking, that’s why Correct Toes™ are so great. They are meant to be worn while weight-bearing, walking and even running. They are made out of a medical-grade silicone so they are very comfortable.

Correct Toes™, if used properly, are used to correct or prevent:

  • Bunions
  • Corns
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Heel pain
  • Plantar fasciosis
  • Neuromas
  • Lower leg pain
  • Runners’s knee
  • Capsulitis
  • Tailor’s bunions

This is what I love about the Correct Toes™:

  • Correct Toes™ places your toes in the correct position relative to each other and the ground.
  • Correct Toes™ are different from other toe spacers because they are designed to be worn during weight-bearing activity and can be worn in shoes. Note: you must transition wisely to a wide toe-boxed shoe.
  • You can wear them in shoes, barefoot, under your socks, or with toe socks.
  • Correct Toes™ are constructed with medical-grade silicone, which makes them comfortable, flexible and durable. Trust me, restrictive clothing makes me crabby and makes me want to smash things! But, the Correct Toes™ don’t bother me one bit. I have zero urge to punch someone when I wear Correct Toes™.
  • Correct Toes™ promote balance.
  • Use it flat side up to work on your balance and pelvic list.
  • Correct Toes™ are made in the USA!
  • Correct Toes™, when used as instructed, helps to correct your foot ailments without having to resort to custom orthotics or surgery.
  • Correct Toes™ are a tremendously reasonably priced alternative.
  • What I really love is that they can be worn in a wide toe boxed minimalist shoe, so you get the benefit of spreading the toes without having to walk around with toe shoes that make your feet look like a gorilla’s. I love gorilla feet, but not on me.


Correct Toes™

Correct Toes™

Are you serious about maintaining healthy feet? Do these three things as directed and I think you will be golden!


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