Clavicle Position and Neck Pain

Clavicle Position and Neck Pain

Before I started Restorative Exercise™ my clavicles formed a V formation. V formations help boost the efficiency of migrating birds and in aircrafts in military flight missions. However when it comes to clavicles, a V formation negatively affects your neck, shoulders, breathing mechanics, upper body, and core strength. This is how my clavicles were mal-aligned last year (see photo below).

How You Get There

How You Get There

I was fortunate enough to write a guest post a couple of years on Katy Bowman’s website. I’ve reposted it here…. A note from Katy: This is the first guest post ever on KatySays, which has allowed me to get some extra family time with the new baby.... READ MORE
Can The Uterus Be Trained To Stay?

Can The Uterus Be Trained To Stay?

One in 10 women misses one to three days of work each month because of debilitating menstrual cramps. “Sound Medicine” field producer Andrea Muraskin was one of those women. After trying every recommended medical treatment, Muraskin finally found relief from a massage therapist. Megan Assaf of Bloomington, Ind., specializes in the Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy®, which focuses on the idea that a displaced uterus can impede circulation, compromise nerve pathways and block the flow of energy through the body.


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