Castor Oil Packs

Castor Oil Packs

The purpose of this post is to examine the external application of Castor Oil Packs (COP). The following information is for educational information only and is not intended to be medical advice. What is Castor Oil? Castor oil is derived from the seed of the Ricinus... READ MORE
Ovary Pain and Restrictions

Ovary Pain and Restrictions

Is your ovary pain digestive-related? Have you been told you have fallopian tube restrictions? Because of the proximity to the cecum and appendix, problems with the right ovary could have a digestive root cause. A right ovary may become inflamed if there are problems with the cecum (poor diet, or adhesions from surgery or infection).

Be The Egg My Friend

Be The Egg My Friend

Fetal ovaries contain about 20 million eggs! The majority die before birth; at birth, only 1 million eggs survive. By the time a girl reaches puberty less than 1% of the eggs survive (about 40,000). Of those 40,000 only about 400 will be released during ovulation in her lifetime. That means you were one of those 20 million eggs that were inside your mom’s ovaries when she was inside your grandma’s womb! Don’t you feel special? You should!

Vitex, Menstrual Regulator

Vitex, Menstrual Regulator

Vitex, (Vitex agnus-castus), also known as Chaste Berry, is one of the most popular herbs used as menstrual cycle regulator. Indications supported by clinical trials [1]: PMS, especially premenstrual mastalgia and fluid retention amenorrhea, especially related to... READ MORE
Uterine Mobility

Uterine Mobility

Imagine sitting in one position ALL. Day. Long. …never moving out of that one position.  The seat of the chair pressing against the back of the legs would compress blood vessels and result in pain and numbness.  If you stayed in that one position long enough,... READ MORE

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