Psoai Am I

Psoai Am I

Our psoai (or psoas if you prefer) can hold the fear response. These deep muscles aid us in escaping danger or curl us into a ball to protect our internal organs. That’s why bullying the psoai into lengthening through intense stretching or with deep “search and destroy” type massage can be emotionally and physically upsetting.

Warming The Belly

Warming The Belly

As a practitioner of abdominal therapy, I always start a session by tuning into the temperature of different areas of the abdomen. One common theme I see repeatedly with prolapsed organs, fibroids, thyroid dysfunction, low energy and emotionally “stuck” clients is a cold belly.

When The Body Says “F-No”!

When The Body Says “F-No”!

I was feeling lost today, my mind going in many directions. I was feeling fragmented. Whenever this happens it’s a reminder for me to pause, close my eyes and breathe. I allowed my breath to expand my ribcage in a circumference. The mechanics of breathing in this way fills the lungs and opens up the intercostal spaces. It also stimulates circulation, lymph movement, and peristalsis of the colon. But that’s not all, put the mechanics aside for a moment, close your eyes

Hello Kidney-Nourishing Kidney Chi Kung

Hello Kidney-Nourishing Kidney Chi Kung

In my training with Master Mantak Chia I learned a nourishing kidney Chi Kung technique. The receiver lies on his/her belly as the practitioner does chi kung and massages over the area of the back that corresponds to the kidneys/adrenals. The back is massaged constantly while rocking the receiver back and forth on their belly for several minutes.

Lung Chi Nei Tsang

Lung Chi Nei Tsang

Our bodies are reflections of nature, and we experience in our bodies cycles similar to the seasons. According to Chinese medicine, each internal organ is associated with an element and season. Mantak Chia explains, “The five elemental phases are expressions of energy that can be observed in nature and throughout the universe. On Earth, they represent the four seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall

Unwind Your Belly!

Unwind Your Belly!

Tension in the belly can affect the whole body and potentially inhibit how we move through life. Since your abdomen is your core—your entire body branches out from this focal point—it makes sense to release tension in the abdomen to promote overall health. Most people... READ MORE

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