Poopy Pants

Poopy Pants

I love this animation detailing what happens when you ignore the urge to poop and how soiling accidents happen.

The consequences of ignoring the urge to go apply to adults as well. If you chronically ignore the urge to poo, your rectum may not return to its natural size and tone. You also increase your chances of anal sphincter dysfunction.

Castor Oil Packs

Castor Oil Packs

The purpose of this post is to examine the external application of Castor Oil Packs (COP). The following information is for educational information only and is not intended to be medical advice. What is Castor Oil? Castor oil is derived from the seed of the Ricinus... READ MORE
Squatty Potty Review

Squatty Potty Review

This is why I love the Squatty Potty: It’s fun to say Squatty Potty. The platform that you put your feet on has a slight angle tilting away from you, allowing for tight calf muscles, so if you have been wearing shoes with positive heels most of your life this is a nice feature. Even a one inch heel from an athletic shoe can shorten your calf muscles and make it difficult to get into a proper squat.


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