Claw Hands and Shoulder/Neck Tension

Claw Hands and Shoulder/Neck Tension

If you’re like most people who spend a good part of the day working on a computer or other electronic device, you probably have internally rotated humeri (upper arms).  Internally rotated humeri adversely affect the shoulder joints, can cause neck tension,... READ MORE
Clavicle Position and Neck Pain

Clavicle Position and Neck Pain

Before I started Restorative Exercise™ my clavicles formed a V formation. V formations help boost the efficiency of migrating birds and in aircrafts in military flight missions. However when it comes to clavicles, a V formation negatively affects your neck, shoulders, breathing mechanics, upper body, and core strength. This is how my clavicles were mal-aligned last year (see photo below).

Upper Body Strength, Pull-Up Journey

Upper Body Strength, Pull-Up Journey

I have super strong hands from doing massage for 18 years (I challenge any of you suckers to a thumb wrestling match!), but there is no way I could pull myself over a fence if the cops were chasing me. Upper body strength is important not only for fleeing from the cops but also for pain-free baby holding, keeping the shoulders down away from the ears, reducing neck strain and improving blood flow to the head.Rest your arms at your side, now look down. Are your elbow pits facing forward, or are they pointing inward with the knuckles forward? If the elbow pits are pointing inward


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