Squat- How You Get There Matters

Squat- How You Get There Matters

Squatting regularly is important for pelvic floor health if done properly. Ideally, you would maintain a lumbar (low back) curve while getting in and out of a squat. But because we have been sitting in chairs since first grade through high school or college, and then commuting to and from work in a car, sitting in chairs for meals, sitting on a toilet, and then sitting on a couch in the evening, our bodies are no longer able to get into a weight-bearing squat without tucking the pelvis under.

Squatty Potty Review

Squatty Potty Review

This is why I love the Squatty Potty: It’s fun to say Squatty Potty. The platform that you put your feet on has a slight angle tilting away from you, allowing for tight calf muscles, so if you have been wearing shoes with positive heels most of your life this is a nice feature. Even a one inch heel from an athletic shoe can shorten your calf muscles and make it difficult to get into a proper squat.


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