Reading List

Reading List

Here is a list of books that have inspired me and influenced the way I approach life, my work and health.  I’ve separated the books into categories, but just as I don’t view my emotional wellbeing, physical health, or the work that I do as separate... READ MORE
The Pelvic Floor Doesn’t Work in Isolation

The Pelvic Floor Doesn’t Work in Isolation

When you focus on the pelvic floor through vaginal weights or Kegels, you isolate only one piece of a complex system.  By spot treating the pelvic floor, you leave out other very important players in pelvic floor health which are the respiratory diaphragm, multifidus, transverse abdominis, gluteus maximus, lateral rotators of the hips and the feet (yes the feet!).

Oh My Aching Neck!

Oh My Aching Neck!

My dentist reported that I clench my teeth while I sleep. So, not only am I a (reformed) butt clencher, I’m a jaw clencher. I’ve been waking up with headaches and neck tension for a while now. I bet it’s my pillow!  Maybe I need a new bed as well, one of those... READ MORE
When The Body Says “F-No”!

When The Body Says “F-No”!

I was feeling lost today, my mind going in many directions. I was feeling fragmented. Whenever this happens it’s a reminder for me to pause, close my eyes and breathe. I allowed my breath to expand my ribcage in a circumference. The mechanics of breathing in this way fills the lungs and opens up the intercostal spaces. It also stimulates circulation, lymph movement, and peristalsis of the colon. But that’s not all, put the mechanics aside for a moment, close your eyes


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