Definition: Hemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids)- swollen and inflamed veins in your anus and lower rectum.

If Roy were a man, he’d look something like this.
If you google or ask your doctor “what causes hemorrhoids?” you may get one of the following answers. #1 constipation #2 pregnancy #3, “No good Goddamn reason at all! ”
Here’s the thing, the human body does NOT do anything for “no goddamn reason at all.” There’s always a reason. As you already know chronic straining during bowel movements can lead to hemorrhoids. So, I won’t get into the proper diet and drinking enough water to avoid constipation. I want to look at a less known reason for hemorrhoids…the liver.
The liver has around 500 metabolic functions, that we know of. A few of those functions are raising and lowering your blood sugar levels by storing or releasing glycogen, producing bile salts, plasma proteins, amino acids and cholesterol, breaking down hormones, making CoQ10, removing ammonia, activating and storing vitamin D, iron, b12 and vitamin A, oxidizing fats for energy, making blood coagulation products and changing sugar into fats such as triglycerides and neutralizes toxins! Wow, and I used to think it was just for processing alcohol. On top of all of that workload, all of the blood from the digestive organs pass through the liver via the portal vein. When the liver is overloaded the result is backup flow in the digestive organs. This backup pressure contributes to bloating in the intestines and pooling in the venous system. The most common vein to become engorged is the hemorrhoidal vein. No amount of preparation H is going to fix the problem if the liver is backed up.
The liver has two stages of detoxifications and requires specific nutrients for each stage. If the second stage is not working as quickly as the first, it could make the situation worse! If you’re planning on optimizing your liver detox pathways, seek assistance from a functional nutritionist or ND.
Action steps to rid Roy:
- Learn self-abdominal massage >>> Make Shift Happen, a constipation cure online course <<< Even if you are not constipated, this course will teach you self-abdominal massage to decongest the abdomen which will improve blood flow.
- Be kind to your liver. Get proper the proper nutrients for each stage of liver detoxification. Ditch the chemical body products and make-up. Your liver has to deal with everything you put in and on your body.
- Control your blood sugar. Get a blood sugar meter. If your liver is constantly regulating blood sugar, it can’t do its other several hundred jobs efficiently.
- Get a Visceral Manipulation™ treatment to improve liver motility and function and reduce intestinal congestion.
- Do your Liver Sounds.
- Stinging Nettle Leaf infusions. Nettles are a vascular tonic. Put one ounce by weight in a mason jar, fill it with boiling water, put the lid on, and let it steep for at least four hours or overnight. strain it and put the infusion in the fridge. Nettle infusion is wonderful cold, but you can also drink it warm. Drink 3-4 cups a day several times a week.
Again, many folks suffer from hemorrhoids without ever having constipation, but I feel a hemorrhoid post wouldn’t be complete without talking about constipation. Since it’s such a vast subject, I covered constipation in another post, click HERE.
I think you recently posted something on constipation some how I lost it. I would like some more info on the anal sphincter and how possibly what can help it function properly. Thanks