I had the entire day off today, so I decided to give myself a “spa day” with all the things that nourish me. I used to think I had to get away and spend $$$ at a spa to get some self-care time in. I now find it’s the simple things that truly nourish me, things that I can weave into every day.
Here are a few ways I weave Self-Care into my day:
- Wake naturally without an alarm clock around 5 or 5:30 AM. I love how peaceful it is in the morning.
- Name 3 things I’m grateful for before getting out of bed.
- Drink a big glass of lemon water after brushing my teeth.
- Make a cup of green tea. My favorite is Matcha.
- Hang in multiple ways from my pull-up bar and do Chi Kung while tea is steeping. (4 minutes). This is also nice to do during computer breaks.
- Do 30 Wim Hof breaths (1 minute)
- Take a cold shower. Right now I start with warm and end with cold. Cold showers boost immunity and alertness and the cold feels soooo good on my head.
- Breakfast smoothie:
1 C water, or tea
1 handful of spinach
2 T. ground flax seed
1/2 avocado
1/4 C. frozen blueberries
1 teaspoon Camu Camu powder
1 scoop whey protein powder from grass fed cows
- 2-hour walk up and around to Mt Tabor making sure I get a multitude of movement nutrients. While walking, I listened to my favorite podcasts for an hour while in the city and then an hour listening to the birds and the rain once in the woods. I collected a fallen Douglas Fir branch to make a tea for later. Douglas Fir has anti-inflammatory benefits, is good for low-grade coughs and the young tips are high in vitamin C and taste mildly like fresh grapefruit. I like the grounding and cleansing feeling I get from drinking in the essence of the tree. I often add sprigs of it to my water bottle when hiking.
I love that I can be in a forested park within a short 2.5-mile walk from my house. It’s impossible to be in a bad mood after walking in this park.
- Tell someone how much you love and appreciate them. Loving kindness has an immediate positive effect on the immune system and is good for the heart.
- Bake. I like these Cranberry Walnut Muffins. I didn’t have almond meal, so I ground up gluten free oats into a powder. They
arewere delicious! - I drink a quart of nourishing herbal infusion a day. My favorite is Stinging Nettles. Nettles are a nutritive herb high in iron and other minerals and also act as a vascular tonic. Other nourishing infusions I like are Linden, Red Clover, Oat Straw and Red Raspberry Leaf.
- Belly massage and Psoas Release on my BioMat.
- Do an Alignment Snack.
- Retreat to my cave with my castor oil pack on my belly and read my Herbal Medicine for Women textbook or another favorite book.
- Fall asleep by 9 PM. It gets dark here around 5 PM this time of year, so I make sure I switch to amber lights and turn the computer off no later than 7 PM.
I’d like to hear how you weave self-care into your day?