One of my favorite techniques I learned from the Wise Earth Ayurvedic Women’s health course is called the Special Hip Massage.

“As women, we tend to hold our grievances in our hips and thighs. Hip Massage stimulates the apna air of the womb and brings the uterus into a state of contentment while relaxing the hips and legs. It increases tejas, the mellow fire that safeguards intuition. Massaging the hips arouses feelings of love and nurturing. Once love is aroused in the womb, ancestral memories awaken”, Mother Maya Tawari

Well, that’s a tall order for sure! I certainly believe some things can’t be explained scientifically and there’s a wisdom in practices that have stood the test of time for thousands of years. I’m the kind of person who wants to know why and how something works, but after doing bodywork for over two decades, I have learned to sometimes let go of the need to know the science behind how something works. In fact, some of the most powerfully healing moments seem to happen spontaneously while performing one of these ancient techniques that can’t be explained scientifically, or when I’m able to let go of the thinking brain and intuitively follow where the body takes me.

I absolutely love this special hip massage and wish I could have it done daily on me! The repetitive nature of the hip massage calms the nervous system in a way difficult to describe. My clients report feeling an increased energy flow, experience emotional release, and deep comfort from this massage.

From a purely physical standpoint the hip massage relaxes tight abdominal muscles, increasing circulation around the ovaries, cecum, and sigmoid colon. The massage also helps release rigid holding patterns. I find many women subconsciously holding tension in the hips, legs, spine, and abdomen. This may be due to past sexual trauma, birthing trauma, or simply the expression of having to always be on and ready to “put out the next fire”.

The ideal time to do the hip massage is during the waxing moon phase and the full moon, except for during mense, bleeding, or during a time of mourning.

Details for the Special Hip Massage are also outlined in the book, Women’s Power To Heal: Through Inner Medicine by Maya Tiwari. “This power-packed guide teaches women how to renew their health, reconnect with their feminine natures, and reclaim their own innate power.”

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