I chatted about the belly, abdominal adhesions, movement for gut health and my past life as a cigarette mule with my friends at the Eat Move Live 52 podcast
Galina and Roland also interviewed me a while back for the poop chapter of Eat Well, Move Well, Live Well. That’s right, I know a thing or two about poop. In fact, when I did a Google search for “rectal stretch receptors”… Why you ask was I searching for the words “rectal stretch receptors”? I was researching for a blog post on constipation of course! Get your mind out of the gutter. geesh! Anyway, I found a picture of myself amongst thousands of rectums and butt holes. And you know what? I’m proud to be in such good company. As Mary Roach noted in her book Gulp, “I was talking to a physician reader, and he got to telling me about the anus, which is this amazing thing that nobody appreciates. Here’s this ring of muscle with nerves that has to discriminate between solid, liquid, and gas, and let it out accordingly. He’s like, “No engineer could design something as multifunctional and fine-tuned as an anus. To call someone an asshole is really bragging him up.” Thank you!
See, proof, I’m an a-hole:

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Thanks Alex! Beautiful!