Breast Health and Walktober

Breast Health and Walktober

One of the best things you can do for breast health is letting your arms swing while walking. So what does swinging the arms have to do with breast health? Zoom in on the picture below and you will notice that many of the lymph nodes are concentrated around the armpits. The lymphatic system is our major line of defense against invaders such as bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Lymph can be obstructed by compression of organs, tight muscles, and tight clothing (bras).


Back Your Hips Up

Here is a video post on alignment.  …when I said I was “horrified” at how my posture was, I was being a little dramatic- I wasn’t horrified I was just a little shocked because I thought I was aligned and obviously wasn’t.... READ MORE
Unwind Your Belly!

Unwind Your Belly!

Tension in the belly can affect the whole body and potentially inhibit how we move through life. Since your abdomen is your core—your entire body branches out from this focal point—it makes sense to release tension in the abdomen to promote overall health. Most people... READ MORE

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