Dyspareunia: Painful Sexual Intercourse

Dyspareunia: Painful Sexual Intercourse

There are many reasons for dyspareunia: painful sexual intercourse. Knowing whether the pain happens cyclically or noncyclically, with certain sexual positions, just at the beginning of penetration, or only with deep penetration can help you and your doctor figure out the root cause of your pain. In this article, I cover possible causes and appropriate therapies.

The Dance Of The Uteri

The Dance Of The Uteri

The uterus must be mobile for proper physiological function. When the uterus is fixed in one position fibrosis of the ligaments can result and impair local circulation. When circulation is impaired, the cells won’t get proper nutrients (oxygen), and acidity, pain, and cell death will follow. There are 3 main types of movements the uterus exhibits (that I know of). Mobility, motility, and contractions…4 if counting the Ute Suit Shuffle.

Anteflexed Tipped Uterus

Anteflexed Tipped Uterus

The following video is a demonstration of anteflexed, tipped uterus, and how a tipped uterus can affect the bladder. “The bladder, uterus, and rectum are physically and functionally related. Incontinence, cystitis, or cystalgia are often due to uterine malpositioning of three types: uterine anteversion and anteflextion: the body and to a lesser extent the cervix press hard against the bladder, increasing bladder pressure at


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