Have You Walked Your Uterus Today?
Walking and other movements cause the uterus to passively follow your movements. "This promotes the natural and healthy mobility of the uterus. Simple inactivity, even without a structural problem, can reduce mobility and thereby predispose parts of the uterus to...
BioMat, My Best Purchase of 2013
The Amethyst Richway BioMat offers far-infrared heat, negative ions and amethyst crystals for a deep soothing heat. Far infrared heat penetrates into the body about 7 inches! The amethyst crystal channels are laid over 17 different bonded materials that work to conduct a soothing heat and block EMF’s. I have the full-length size (28″ x 74″) on my massage table
Are Your Femurs Internally Rotated?
Whether you’re dealing with foot, knee, hip or pelvic floor issues one important structural factor is femur position. Try this self-assessment to see if you have internally rotated femurs.
Hyperkyphosis and Ptosis, Oh My!
Kyphosis is the natural curve of the thoracic spine. The abnormal excessive anterior curvature of the thoracic spine (think rounded upper back) is referred to hyperkyphosis, acquired or excessive kyphosis. Excessive kyphosis can lead to osteoporosis, headaches,...
Getting Older and Stronger
Today (December 16) is my birthday. I'm 45 years old today and wanted to do something at 45 that I couldn't do at 25. That something is a chin-up without having to use my pull-up assist thingy (or crap my pants in the process). If you have seen my chin-up journey...
My 15.5 Pound Head!
“For every inch of Forward Head Posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds.” -Kapandji, Physiology of Joints, Vol. 3 The image below is an x-ray of my neck. The blue line is where my head is supposed to line up, the red...
My Approach To Healing
A central philosophy in my practice and online abdominal classes is to work in partnership with my clients and students. I'm a facilitator, not a healer. Calling myself a healer implies I have authority over someone else's healing which puts the client in a helpless...
Flower Essence Therapy
Flower Essence Therapy is a vibrational therapy, not to be confused with aromatherapy or essential oils. While there is no fragrance to the flower essences, a vibrational essence is a liquid that holds the vibrational imprint of a flower. The essences are...
Clavicle Position and Neck Pain
Before I started Restorative Exercise™ my clavicles formed a V formation. V formations help boost the efficiency of migrating birds and in aircrafts in military flight missions. However when it comes to clavicles, a V formation negatively affects your neck, shoulders, breathing mechanics, upper body, and core strength. This is how my clavicles were mal-aligned last year (see photo below).