This Is Your Uterus On High Heels
Margo the Wandering Womb tries to wear high-heeled shoes. Chronically wearing high-heeled shoes contributes to osteoporosis, weak pelvic floor, increased risk of falls, hammer toes & bunions, strain to the knees and hips, back & neck pain, and uterine health. Don’t let your uterus wear high-heeled shoes!
Nipple Fondling To Stimulate Labor
There is a reason for all the smooching, love making and nipple fondling-to stimulate labor! Human semen contains prostaglandins (hormone-like compounds) that ripen the cervix in preparation for labor. “Stimulation of the nipples causes oxytocin to release, which in turn causes uterine contraction.
Warming The Belly
As a practitioner of abdominal therapy, I always start a session by tuning into the temperature of different areas of the abdomen. One common theme I see repeatedly with prolapsed organs, fibroids, thyroid dysfunction, low energy and emotionally “stuck” clients is a cold belly.
Reading List
Here is a list of books that have inspired me and influenced the way I approach life, my work and health. I've separated the books into categories, but just as I don't view my emotional wellbeing, physical health, or the work that I do as separate entities, the...
Align Thy Uteri Event
Join me for a FREE one-hour informational class. Where: PEOPLE'S FOOD CO-OP 3029 SE 21st AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97202 in the community room upstairs When: Saturday December 13th, 2014 4-5PM Why align? “The uterus is the woman’s center. If her uterus is not in proper...
Moon Cycle and The Menstrual Cycle
Artificial white and blue light mimics the light from the moon and sun. Exposure to white or blue light at night inhibits the pineal gland’s production of melatonin. Melatonin is produced primarily at night and needs darkness to be produced.
The Pelvic Floor Doesn’t Work in Isolation
When you focus on the pelvic floor through vaginal weights or Kegels, you isolate only one piece of a complex system. By spot treating the pelvic floor, you leave out other very important players in pelvic floor health which are the respiratory diaphragm, multifidus, transverse abdominis, gluteus maximus, lateral rotators of the hips and the feet (yes the feet!).
Pelvic Floor Health Class
This class is Restorative Exercise™ for Pelvic Floor Health and Uterine Alignment. Although you don't need a uterus to attend, you will need a pelvic floor. This class is for everyone. When: 9:30-10:30 AM January 12th, 19th, 26th and February 2nd 2013 Where: 1233...
Oh My Aching Neck!
My dentist reported that I clench my teeth while I sleep. So, not only am I a (reformed) butt clencher, I’m a jaw clencher. I’ve been waking up with headaches and neck tension for a while now. I bet it’s my pillow! Maybe I need a new bed as well, one of those...