Back Your Hips Up
Here is a video post on alignment. ...when I said I was "horrified" at how my posture was, I was being a little dramatic- I wasn't horrified I was just a little shocked because I thought I was aligned and obviously wasn't.  
Healing Menstrual Cramps, Naturally
I’m offering online classes to provide relief for menstrual cramps the natural way. This includes methods for dysmenorrhea treatment and you will learn self-care techniques on how to treat your menstrual cramps.
“Down There” for Women
"Hey, why aren't Kegels on this DVD?" This is a question I got from a client after she viewed the "Down There" For Women DVD for pelvic floor health. She didn't expect a calf stretch to be an exercise for pelvic floor health. The exercises on the DVD are Restorative...
Unwind Your Belly!
Tension in the belly can affect the whole body and potentially inhibit how we move through life. Since your abdomen is your core—your entire body branches out from this focal point—it makes sense to release tension in the abdomen to promote overall health. Most people...
Standing Workstation Exercises
A multi-ethnic study of 4,757 U.S. adults in a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that those who took the most daily breaks from sitting had, on average, a smaller waist circumference, fewer blood fats and reduced markers for insulin resistance...
Alignment Monkey on Monkey Bars
Here I am hanging on the monkey bars. Can you tell the difference between the three photos? The first photo I'm rib thrusting. Notice anything else? I don't have a neck! My lats are so weak that my shoulders raise up around my ears. I've been a chronic rib thruster...
The Psoas Muscle
The lumbar plexus, a network of intersecting nerves and vessels, runs through the layers of the psoas, so when the psoas is shortened it can affect the pelvic floor, legs, low back, spine, abdomen, internal organs, and the diaphragm. It can even contribute to ovulation discomfort and nerve pain that runs down into the knee.
Pelvic Congestion
“Pelvic congestion can lead to varicosities within the uterine ligaments, fallopian tubes, or veins of the prostate and scrotum (varicocele).Pelvic congestion is often found in both sexes when no other obvious pathologic cause of pelvic pain can be found. In one study 91% of women with chronic pelvic pain who had no other pathology on laprascopy had dilated veins and vascular congestion in the broad ligaments and ovarian plexus.
Liver-Chi Nei Tsang
Learn Chi Nei Tsang for the liver.Your reactions to stress could be a reflection of liver chi imbalance/balance. Emotionally, the liver can hold anger and frustration when not in balance.