Inner Medicine

Inner Medicine

Have you ever come across a message in a book that resonates with you so deeply that it seeps into your daily consciousness? For me, that book is The Path of Practice
by Bri. Maya Tiwari. Path of Practice is about igniting your inner medicine through finding wholeness by reconnecting with the earthly and cosmic web we are all a part of.

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Don’t Just Sit There Program

Don’t Just Sit There Program

Ok, this is super cool! My teacher biomechanist Katy Bowman and Mark Sisson of Primal Blueprint created this Don’t just Sit There Program. I can sincerely say that I believe that if everyone followed these simple suggestions, they would be less fatigued, have fewer back, feet, shoulder and neck pain and have better reproductive and digestive health.

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Poopy Pants

Poopy Pants

I love this animation detailing what happens when you ignore the urge to poop and how soiling accidents happen.

The consequences of ignoring the urge to go apply to adults as well. If you chronically ignore the urge to poo, your rectum may not return to its natural size and tone. You also increase your chances of anal sphincter dysfunction.

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Uterine Scarring

Uterine Scarring

The following video demonstrates how scar tissue within the posterior uterine wall can influence uterine position. I also talk about how clothes can influence how you move, chlamydia, and yes it’s all related…kind of.

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Are Those Really Your Hamstrings?

Are Those Really Your Hamstrings?

In this video, I troubleshoot the double calf stretch. I know this Restorative Exercise™ seems super simple, but I find most people who learn it from reading a blog post aren’t doing it correctly. I’ve noticed some folks aren’t moving their pelvis at all!

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Under The Hood (Laparoscopic Video)

Under The Hood (Laparoscopic Video)

I just had to share this video. A physician captures beautiful views of the uterus, bowels, gall bladder and diaphragm during laparoscopic surgery. Notice the connections between the bladder and uterus. Also seen in this video are endometrial implants (when the lining of the womb grows outside of the uterus), varicose veins, and adenomyosis (endometrial tissue inside the muscle of the uterus).

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Walking Like a Duck- Foot Alignment

Walking Like a Duck- Foot Alignment

Foot turnout is not the position our feet are designed to bear our weight. If we walk with our feet turned out it creates unnecessary stress on the joints. Below I outline the smart way to correct your walking like-a-duck habit.

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About Me

About Me
Barbara Horsley, practitioner & educator of abdominal massage, Visceral Manipulation™ practitioner, certified women's health herbal educator, and mind-body therapies.



uterine massage online course
Abdominal massage for lmts
Menopause coach graduate
Barbara Horsley, Certified IWHI Perimenopause & Menopause Certificate Program Graduate

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