Menstrual Pain Survey

Menstrual Pain Survey

I’d like to hear from you and your uterus. Please take this quick 10 question survey to help me understand how I can better serve you and your womb. 🙂 It shouldn’t take longer than five minutes to complete.

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Your Feet Do NOT Grow During Pregnancy

Your Feet Do NOT Grow During Pregnancy

There is a common belief that feet grow during pregnancy. The fact is they don’t actually “grow”. The bones don’t get longer, the organization of the bones is what changes depending on how you are standing. This forward weight position also affects your pelvic floor, low back, knees and increases your chance of diastasis recti.

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My Uterus Hates Tight Jeans

My Uterus Hates Tight Jeans

I used to have an anteflexed uterus that pushed on my bladder. I’d have to get up a couple of times a night to pee, but not a lot of pee would come out compared to the urgency I experienced.
I corrected the position of my tipped uterus using the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®, but I would find that after riding my bike the uterus would flex forward onto my bladder again.

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Visceral Manipulation™ The Thorax

Visceral Manipulation™ The Thorax

As of June 2015 I’ve completed the fourth level of Visceral Manipulation™ (VM4) training through the Barral Institute. In VM 4 we learned techniques for releasing restrictions in the thoracic cavity (lungs, heart, pleura, diaphragm) as well as the cervical fascia, ribs, clavicles, esophagus, trachea and bronchus. Visceral Manipulation™ was developed by world-renowned French Osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral.

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3 Quick Tips For Womb Health (video)

3 Quick Tips For Womb Health (video)

Three quick tips in under three minutes for uterine health. So, simple everyone can do these. Make sure you transition wisely to totally flat shoes to give your tissues time to adapt. Check out the book, Whole Body Barefoot: Transitioning Well to Minimal Footwear by...

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Anteflexed Tipped Uterus

Anteflexed Tipped Uterus

The following video is a demonstration of anteflexed, tipped uterus, and how a tipped uterus can affect the bladder. “The bladder, uterus, and rectum are physically and functionally related. Incontinence, cystitis, or cystalgia are often due to uterine malpositioning of three types: uterine anteversion and anteflextion: the body and to a lesser extent the cervix press hard against the bladder, increasing bladder pressure at

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My Favorite Minimal Shoes-Video

My Favorite Minimal Shoes-Video

This is a 1-minute video breakdown of why these are my favorite minimal shoes. What to look for in a minimal shoe. Hoe Correct Toes™ toe speaders work in these minimal shoes.

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Rib Flare

Rib Flare

Costodiaphragmatic recess: Is a space between the respiratory diaphragm and the thoracic wall in each pleural cavity (compartments which enclose the lungs). The lungs move into this space in deep respiration. I learned about rib flare adhesions from my Functional...

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About Me

About Me
Barbara Horsley, practitioner & educator of abdominal massage, Visceral Manipulation™ practitioner, certified women's health herbal educator, and mind-body therapies.



uterine massage online course
Abdominal massage for lmts
Menopause coach graduate
Barbara Horsley, Certified IWHI Perimenopause & Menopause Certificate Program Graduate

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