I’ve taken on the task of reviewing my past and present fertility enhancement cases and recording them in a spreadsheet. Keep in mind this is not a scientific study, it’s just a record of treatments and outcomes. It would be impossible for me to do a valid controlled study. I never use the same treatment for everyone. Everyone is unique and has a different history. For instance, some women may have amenorrhea due to an eating disorder, or endometriosis, or scar tissue from past surgeries or infection, or their partner’s sperm count is low, etc. In essence, every case is vastly different and requires a different approach. In addition, some women are also working with an acupuncturist, herbalist, nutritionist, medical doctor, and have varying degrees of stress and support in their lives all of which can affect fertility outcomes.

Foundational modalities I use with women who are Trying To Conceive: Visceral Manipulation™ and /or Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® (including teaching self-care massage).

Additional Techniques I may also include depending on individual need: Chi Nei Tsang, Ayurvedic Hip Massage, Functional Methods and Restorative Exercise™ You can read more about the modalities I use HERE. 


  • TTC= Trying to Conceive
  • ATMAT= Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®
  • VM=Visceral Manipulation
  • CNT= Chi Nei Tsang
  • C.O.P= Castor Oil Packs
  • TX=Treatment
  • Vitex
  • RE= Restorative Exercise™

As I reviewed my client files, I recorded every fertility case I found in a particular time period. This is a time-consuming process, but I’m hoping to add to the list as time allows. I’m hoping that with practice, I can hone my case study recording skills and patterns that I can learn from may emerge.

For more on Fertility Enhancement via a manual therapy approach listen to an interview I did for the Facts Of Fertility Summit. You can also download my Fertility ebook at the bottom of the article.

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