My Approach To Healing
A central philosophy in my practice and online abdominal classes is to work in partnership with my clients and students. I’m a facilitator, not a healer. Calling myself a healer implies I have authority over someone else’s healing which puts the client in... READ MOREFlower Essence Therapy
Flower Essence Therapy is a vibrational therapy, not to be confused with aromatherapy or essential oils. While there is no fragrance to the flower essences, a vibrational essence is a liquid that holds the vibrational imprint of a flower. The essences are... READ MOREPsoai Am I
Our psoai (or psoas if you prefer) can hold the fear response. These deep muscles aid us in escaping danger or curl us into a ball to protect our internal organs. That’s why bullying the psoai into lengthening through intense stretching or with deep “search and destroy” type massage can be emotionally and physically upsetting.
READ MOREMargo Meets Dr Northrup
Margo, the wandering womb, has a list of people she would like to meet in her lifetime: Dr Rosita Arvigo (check), Rosemary Gladstar, Katy Bowman (check), Dr Aviva Romm, Stevie Nicks, The Dalai Lama, Kid Rock* and Dr. Christiane Northrup (check). Dr Christiane... READ MOREWarming The Belly
As a practitioner of abdominal therapy, I always start a session by tuning into the temperature of different areas of the abdomen. One common theme I see repeatedly with prolapsed organs, fibroids, thyroid dysfunction, low energy and emotionally “stuck” clients is a cold belly.
READ MOREReading List
Here is a list of books that have inspired me and influenced the way I approach life, my work and health. I’ve separated the books into categories, but just as I don’t view my emotional wellbeing, physical health, or the work that I do as separate... READ MOREPelvic Floor Health Class
This class is Restorative Exercise™ for Pelvic Floor Health and Uterine Alignment. Although you don’t need a uterus to attend, you will need a pelvic floor. This class is for everyone. When: 9:30-10:30 AM January 12th, 19th, 26th and February 2nd 2013... READ MORESquatty Potty Review
This is why I love the Squatty Potty: It’s fun to say Squatty Potty. The platform that you put your feet on has a slight angle tilting away from you, allowing for tight calf muscles, so if you have been wearing shoes with positive heels most of your life this is a nice feature. Even a one inch heel from an athletic shoe can shorten your calf muscles and make it difficult to get into a proper squat.