Help for Prolapsed Uterus

Help for Prolapsed Uterus

In this article, I look at natural and mechanical ways to improve prolapsed uterus. A prolapsed uterus is a result of a weakness in the supporting structures of the organs such as muscles, ligaments, and fascia. The weakness can be caused by a lack of proper alignment of the pelvis, sacrum, traumatic falls or accidents, emotional component/trauma, spleen qi deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, and from using the excessive Valsalva maneuver.

Digestive Health Part 2- Alignment and Digestion

Digestive Health Part 2- Alignment and Digestion

I’m trained in four types of abdominal therapy. I can do an awesome colon massage if I do say so myself, but if I send you out the door after your treatment without some alignment education, I feel like I’m doing you a disservice. In fact, alignment is so important no matter your reason for bodywork is, whether its back pain, neck pain, prolapsed uterus, constipation, painful periods, or fertility. Think about it this way, if I help to restore proper blood flow and function to your colon through manual therapies, but you leave my office and sit slumped at your desk all day, you may create excessive intra-abdominal pressure interfering with blood, lymph, and nerve flow as well as internal organ motility. This can cause slowed-down digestion, and increased gas, bloating, and pain.

Hello Kidney-Nourishing Kidney Chi Kung

Hello Kidney-Nourishing Kidney Chi Kung

In my training with Master Mantak Chia I learned a nourishing kidney Chi Kung technique. The receiver lies on his/her belly as the practitioner does chi kung and massages over the area of the back that corresponds to the kidneys/adrenals. The back is massaged constantly while rocking the receiver back and forth on their belly for several minutes.

Digestive Health-Part 1

Digestive Health-Part 1

In Part 1, I cover how the brain and our connection to food affect digestion. “Our two brains-the one in our head and the one in our bowel-must cooperate.  If they do not, then there is chaos in the gut and misery in the head-everything from “butterflies” to cramps,... READ MORE
Lung Chi Nei Tsang

Lung Chi Nei Tsang

Our bodies are reflections of nature, and we experience in our bodies cycles similar to the seasons. According to Chinese medicine, each internal organ is associated with an element and season. Mantak Chia explains, “The five elemental phases are expressions of energy that can be observed in nature and throughout the universe. On Earth, they represent the four seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall


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