by Barbara Horsley | Feb 12, 2020 | Alignment, Happy Uterus, Painful periods, Podcast
Here’s a womb health podcast to listen to while out on a walk with your uterus! I spoke with Amanda Laird at The Heavy Flow Podcast about alignment, abdominal massage, and womb health.
by Barbara Horsley | Oct 15, 2019 | abdominal adhesions, endometriosis, Happy Uterus, Painful periods, SIBO, uterine position
In the Mastering Your Fertility podcast episode 49 Dr. Haylee, a licensed naturopath, and Kristin, a certified nutritionist interview me about how abdominal massage and visceral manipulation can improve quality of life and fertility for women. This is a great episode... READ MORE
by Barbara Horsley | Oct 23, 2018 | Happy Uterus, Menopause, ovaries |
The average age of menopause is 51 and is defined as a full year without a period. I’m 51 now so I’ve been thinking about this transition for some time. I’m still having periods, but I can tell things are shifting, physiologically and spiritually... READ MORE
by Barbara Horsley | Aug 31, 2018 | Happy Uterus, ovaries, uterine position |
As a manual therapist, I treat people and their tissues, not their medical conditions. I work in partnership with people by using a listening touch and working with the body’s own intelligence. You’re more than your symptoms. As a manual therapist, my goal... READ MORE
by Barbara Horsley | Jun 5, 2018 | abdominal adhesions, Bladder, endometriosis, Happy Uterus, Painful periods, uterine position |
There are many reasons for dyspareunia: painful sexual intercourse. Knowing whether the pain happens cyclically or noncyclically, with certain sexual positions, just at the beginning of penetration, or only with deep penetration can help you and your doctor figure out the root cause of your pain. In this article, I cover possible causes and appropriate therapies.
by Barbara Horsley | Feb 18, 2018 | abdominal adhesions, digestion, endometriosis, Happy Belly, Happy Uterus, Painful periods |
Endometriosis and inflammation, immune dysregulation, abdominal therapy, castor oil packs and abdominal adhesions
by Barbara Horsley | Feb 18, 2018 | abdominal adhesions, Classes, digestion, Happy Belly, Happy Uterus
Self-care course for working with abdominal adhesions. This course is wonderful for scars and adhesions related c-sections, appendectomy, fibroid removal and scars from laparoscopic exploratory surgeries.
by Barbara Horsley | Oct 11, 2017 | Happy Belly, Happy Uterus |
One of my favorite techniques I learned from the Wise Earth Ayurvedic Women’s health course is called the Special Hip Massage. “As women, we tend to hold our grievances in our hips and thighs. Hip Massage stimulates the apna air of the womb and brings the... READ MORE
by Barbara Horsley | Aug 29, 2017 | Happy Belly, Happy Uterus |
A few people asked what protocol I’m following to correct my anemia. Keep in mind, this is a protocol specific to my body. Writing about what I’m doing helps me to organize my thoughts and keep me on track. It’s best that you consult a health care... READ MORE