Wink Basal Body Thermometer

Wink Basal Body Thermometer

I’ve been using the Kindara menstrual charting app now for over a year and absolutely love it. I had stopped recording my temperature because the basal body thermometers I used in the past were, in my opinion, a pain in the butt. They took too long to read my... READ MORE
Fertility Case Records

Fertility Case Records

The following are case reports of a few of my fertility clients. Keep in mind this is not a controlled scientific study, it’s just a record of treatments and outcomes. It would be impossible for me to do a valid controlled study. I never use the same treatment for everyone. I treat the person, not the condition.

The Dance Of The Uteri

The Dance Of The Uteri

The uterus must be mobile for proper physiological function. When the uterus is fixed in one position fibrosis of the ligaments can result and impair local circulation. When circulation is impaired, the cells won’t get proper nutrients (oxygen), and acidity, pain, and cell death will follow. There are 3 main types of movements the uterus exhibits (that I know of). Mobility, motility, and contractions…4 if counting the Ute Suit Shuffle.


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