Reflexogenic Properties of Uterine Ligaments
Round ligaments (RL): are thin fibro-muscular cords that run from the lateral aspect of the fundus of the uterus and travel anterolaterally through the inguinal ring and canal and connect to the superficial perineal fascia at the labia majora. The round ligaments...

Rib Thrusting and Knee Pain
This is the second post explaining how alignment affects the internal organs. In the first video, I demonstrated how proper breathing mechanics affects colon function. This week, I'm demonstrating how restriction in the suspensory ligaments of the ascending colon can...

Squat- How You Get There Matters
Squatting regularly is important for pelvic floor health if done properly. Ideally, you would maintain a lumbar (low back) curve while getting in and out of a squat. But because we have been sitting in chairs since first grade through high school or college, and then commuting to and from work in a car, sitting in chairs for meals, sitting on a toilet, and then sitting on a couch in the evening, our bodies are no longer able to get into a weight-bearing squat without tucking the pelvis under.

Pooping for Hormonal Health
The colon and liver may not be the first things to come to mind when you think about hormonal balance. But if it weren’t for the liver processing and breaking down the hormones and your large intestine ushering them out, the hormones would recirculate through the bloodstream sending outdated messages.

You Always Have Time To Squat
No time for squats? If you have time to sit down and stand up, you have time to practice your squats. Katy goes into detail about the vertical shin in the video below and demonstrates the Maui Squat. Alignment Snacks: Hips Don’t Lie, They Sit, Frankie Says Relax, All...

Belly Love
I’ve probably done close to 7,000 abdominal massages over the years and I find that everyone single belly is absolutely beautiful, unique and has a story to tell.

Is Your Anteflexed Uterus Pissing Off Your Bladder?
Anteverted uterus and anteflexed uterus: the body of the uterus and to a lesser extent the cervix press hard against the bladder, increasing bladder pressure at the expense of sphincter pressure.

Alignment Homework
Click the banner to go directly to Katy Bowman's Alignment Snacks or scroll down to read my notes on each of the snacks. When I see clients in my private practice, I give them alignment homework usually in the form of a PDF containing the exercises that they've...

Claw Hands and Shoulder/Neck Tension
If you're like most people who spend a good part of the day working on a computer or other electronic device, you probably have internally rotated humeri (upper arms). Internally rotated humeri adversely affect the shoulder joints, can cause neck tension, forward...