Correct Toes™ Toe Spacers
Your feet are your foundation. What does your foundation look like? Is it collapsing inward like a sinkhole (over-pronation)? Are your toes curled up like a buckling sidewalk (hammertoes)? Does it look like you are standing on a mudslide (foot smear)? Would you...
Knee Pain-Are Your Kneecaps Stuck up?
If you have stuck-up kneecaps you’re at risk of having knee pain, hip pain, or other joint-related problems. According to the CDC in 2009, the total knee replacements in the US equaled 676,000 and total hip replacements equaled 327,000! Of the 676,000 knee replacements, 303,000 were between the ages of 45-64! And of the 327,000 hip replacements, 152,000 were between the ages of 45-64!
Vaginal (Pelvic) Steams: Review
This article is for educational purposes only. All reported benefits are based on personal accounts and are not based on scientific studies. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Consult a qualified health care professional if...
Is Sitting The New Smoking?
It's not so much that sitting in chairs is bad, it's the frequency that we sit in chairs that is causing problems like low bone density, short weak muscles, abdominal congestion, decreased blood and lymph flow and cellular degeneration. We weren't designed to sit in...
Upper Body Strength, Pull-Up Journey
I have super strong hands from doing massage for 18 years (I challenge any of you suckers to a thumb wrestling match!), but there is no way I could pull myself over a fence if the cops were chasing me. Upper body strength is important not only for fleeing from the cops but also for pain-free baby holding, keeping the shoulders down away from the ears, reducing neck strain and improving blood flow to the head.Rest your arms at your side, now look down. Are your elbow pits facing forward, or are they pointing inward with the knuckles forward? If the elbow pits are pointing inward
Squatty Potty Review
This is why I love the Squatty Potty: It’s fun to say Squatty Potty. The platform that you put your feet on has a slight angle tilting away from you, allowing for tight calf muscles, so if you have been wearing shoes with positive heels most of your life this is a nice feature. Even a one inch heel from an athletic shoe can shorten your calf muscles and make it difficult to get into a proper squat.
Help for Prolapsed Uterus
In this article, I look at natural and mechanical ways to improve prolapsed uterus. A prolapsed uterus is a result of a weakness in the supporting structures of the organs such as muscles, ligaments, and fascia. The weakness can be caused by a lack of proper alignment of the pelvis, sacrum, traumatic falls or accidents, emotional component/trauma, spleen qi deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, and from using the excessive Valsalva maneuver.
Digestive Health Part 2- Alignment and Digestion
I’m trained in four types of abdominal therapy. I can do an awesome colon massage if I do say so myself, but if I send you out the door after your treatment without some alignment education, I feel like I’m doing you a disservice. In fact, alignment is so important no matter your reason for bodywork is, whether its back pain, neck pain, prolapsed uterus, constipation, painful periods, or fertility. Think about it this way, if I help to restore proper blood flow and function to your colon through manual therapies, but you leave my office and sit slumped at your desk all day, you may create excessive intra-abdominal pressure interfering with blood, lymph, and nerve flow as well as internal organ motility. This can cause slowed-down digestion, and increased gas, bloating, and pain.
Hello Kidney-Nourishing Kidney Chi Kung
In my training with Master Mantak Chia I learned a nourishing kidney Chi Kung technique. The receiver lies on his/her belly as the practitioner does chi kung and massages over the area of the back that corresponds to the kidneys/adrenals. The back is massaged constantly while rocking the receiver back and forth on their belly for several minutes.