Digestive Health-Part 1
In Part 1, I cover how the brain and our connection to food affect digestion. “Our two brains-the one in our head and the one in our bowel-must cooperate. If they do not, then there is chaos in the gut and misery in the head-everything from “butterflies” to cramps,...
The Calf Stretch
I spent way too long at the computer today. I was on a creative roll and didn’t think to step away until my energy started to crash. Immediately I thought, “I need some coffee to wake me up.” But I knew coffee wasn’t the best choice for me so late in the day so I decided to do my calf stretches instead. Within minutes of doing the calf stretch, I
Lung Chi Nei Tsang
Our bodies are reflections of nature, and we experience in our bodies cycles similar to the seasons. According to Chinese medicine, each internal organ is associated with an element and season. Mantak Chia explains, “The five elemental phases are expressions of energy that can be observed in nature and throughout the universe. On Earth, they represent the four seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall
Preparing To Get Pregnant
As a bodyworker and educator of abdominal therapy, who specializes in reproductive health, I’m dedicating this post to fertility from a bodywork perspective. Whether you have fertility challenges, or you’re preparing to get pregnant, you should plan at least three months ahead before trying to conceive.
Spooning the Restorative Exercise™ Way
I love watching a good movie but dislike sitting on the couch. I tend to tuck my tailbone under as I sink into the slouch couch. When the tailbone is tucked under it flattens the natural lumbar curve putting pressure on the discs of the low back. This C posture also cranes the neck forward and creates excessive abdominal pressure.
Laugh for Your Health
The old saying that ‘laughter is the best medicine,’ definitely appears to be true when it comes to protecting your heart, says Michael Miller, M.D.
Breast Health and Walktober
One of the best things you can do for breast health is letting your arms swing while walking. So what does swinging the arms have to do with breast health? Zoom in on the picture below and you will notice that many of the lymph nodes are concentrated around the armpits. The lymphatic system is our major line of defense against invaders such as bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Lymph can be obstructed by compression of organs, tight muscles, and tight clothing (bras).
Our Issues Are in Our Tissues
I’ve cried during a massage, not out of pain, but relief, as the sadness I carried around for years was finally released. I felt less guarded and lighter afterward (albeit confused about the salty discharge streaming from my eyes!). This is when I realized how our issues or emotional charges can be held in our tissues for a lifetime.
Ayurvedic Remedy for Menstrual Cramps
I tried this Ayurvedic remedy for menstrual cramps a while back and it worked like a charm. This remedy isn’t specific to any one dosha so it’s considered universal.