Wink Basal Body Thermometer

Wink Basal Body Thermometer

I've been using the Kindara menstrual charting app now for over a year and absolutely love it. I had stopped recording my temperature because the basal body thermometers I used in the past were, in my opinion, a pain in the butt. They took too long to read my...

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The Primal Shift-Uterus Love!

The Primal Shift-Uterus Love!

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Crystal and Jo on The Primal Shift podcast. Subscribe to their podcast, they have lots of wonderful episodes on practical approaches to primal living in the modern world. I had tons of fun chatting with them about uterine...

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Fertility Case Records

Fertility Case Records

The following are case reports of a few of my fertility clients. Keep in mind this is not a controlled scientific study, it’s just a record of treatments and outcomes. It would be impossible for me to do a valid controlled study. I never use the same treatment for everyone. I treat the person, not the condition.

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Topo Mat Review

Topo Mat Review

I’ve added the anti-fatigue Topo Mat to my dynamic workstation. As we all know by now, standing in one position all day long is not good for the body. The Topo Mat is an anti-fatigue mat that keeps you moving with its varied terrain surface. The video below is a sped up version of me using the Topo Mat. You can reverse the mat to vary your terrain even more. The teardrop in the middle is great for stretching the feet from several angles.

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About Me

About Me
Barbara Horsley, practitioner & educator of abdominal massage, Visceral Manipulation™ practitioner, certified women's health herbal educator, and mind-body therapies.



uterine massage online course
Abdominal massage for lmts
Menopause coach graduate
Barbara Horsley, Certified IWHI Perimenopause & Menopause Certificate Program Graduate

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